Here are the directions to Pleasanton Downtown:
> Directions from 580 Westbound
Head West on 580
Santa Rita Road exit
Turn left onto Santa Rita Road towards Downtown Pleasanton (you will go over the freeway)
Stay on Santa Rita road for approx. 2-3 miles
Santa Rita road turns into Main Street / Downtown Pleasanton
> Directions from 580 Eastbound
Head East on 580
Santa Rita Road exit
Stay in the right-hand lane onto Santa Rita Road towards Downtown Pleasanton
Santa Rita road turns into Main Street / Downtown Pleasanton
> Directions from 680 Northbound
Head North on 680
Bernal Street exit
Turn right onto Bernal
Stay straight on Bernal for approx. 1-2 miles
Turn Left onto Main Street (directly after the Police Station)
> Directions from 680 Southbound
Head South on 680
Bernal Street exit
Turn right onto Bernal
Stay straight on Bernal for approx. 1-2 miles
Turn left onto Main Street (directly past the police dept)